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Presidential Message
Rotary Greetings!
I am most honored and humbled to take the responsibility of Presidency of the Rotary Club of Jawalakhel for RY 2024-25, with the help and support of the Board members and fellow Club members within short period of joining this club in year 2021.
The Motto of Rotary “Service above self” is a highly appealing and motivating mantra, which anticipates strong commitment to work together for common cause, to engage with community for helping them. The RCJ work with local community as well as national actors to contribute to the theme of the RI President ‘The magic of Rotary’ and the theme of the District Governor “Magical Rotary”
The unique combination of “fellowship” and “service projects” for economic and social empowerment of community, and create lasting positive change in society are inspiration for me to engage with Rotary Club of Jawalakhel (RCJ).
We, the committed members of the RCJ with clear mission, are meaningfully engaged with grass-root community for addressing their real problems, promoting peace and harmony by supporting their initiatives and national actors to provide conducive frameworks in realizing community aspirations. Our members are in action with full of energy, passion and determination to fulfil the objective of RI, District 3292 and the RCJ. These actions include empowerment, employment generation, skill development, protecting environment, health infrastructures, education, and many others in different part of the country. Our members bring diverse and unique knowledge, vast experiences and great enthusiasm in the club.
RCJ Closely works with sister clubs, government agencies, non-governmental sector, and private sector and abide by goals and priorities set by Rotary International and district 3292 and laws of the land and of course call for continued support from the district governor and district officials.
Sticks of magic are in the hands of single Rotarian and secret of magic is in the mind of all our members. Let’s Show the magic of Rotary Together.
I look forward for serving, Thank You
Rtn Raman Uprety
President, RY 2024-25
Drinking Water
Community and Economy
Maternal-Child Welfare
Projects all over the locality
What & How do we do
We identify areas of need using our knowledge of local issues, then apply our expertise and diverse perspectives to find a solution. Rotary members are most likely working in your community right now to feed the hungry, tutor disadvantaged children, maintain parks and playgrounds, and do a variety of other things. You can assist.
District / Providence
International Clubs/Countries
Why Rotary?
Rotary develops character and brings out the best of the human spirit. It teaches people ethics, humanity, cultural awareness, people skills and the desire and ability to serve. Rotary creates a more positive environment for promoting world understanding and peace. Rotary always benefits two people.
And we need you.